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2024 Mauritanian presidential election

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2024 Mauritanian presidential election

← 2019 29 June 2024 2029 →
Registered1,939,344 (Increase 25.59%)
Candidate Mohamed Ould Ghazouani Biram Dah Abeid
Party El Insaf RAG
Alliance Presidential majority Sawab–RAG

President before election

Mohamed Ould Ghazouani
El Insaf



Presidential elections are expected to be held in Mauritania on 29 June 2024,[1][2] with a possible second round to be held on 14 July.[3]

Electoral system[edit]

Under Article 26 of the Constitution the President is elected for a five-year term using the two-round system. If no candidate receives an absolute majority of the vote in the first round, a second round is held two weeks later between the two candidates who received the most votes.[4]

Candidacy is restricted to citizens by birth aged between 40 and 75 (on the day of the first round) who have not had their civil and political rights removed. Article 23 also stipulates that the President has to be a Muslim. Article 28 establishes a term limit of two mandates, allowing the President to only be re-elected once.[4]

The election of a new president is required to take place between 30 and 45 days before the expiration of the term of the incumbent president.[4]

For this election, campaigning will be held from 14 June to 27 June.[3]



# Candidate Party Experience Candidacy dates Ref.
1 Mohamed
El Insaf President of Mauritania
Minister of Defense
Chief of Army Staff
24 April 2024
26 April 2024
2 Mohamed Lemine
El Mourteji
El Wavi
Independent 2019 presidential candidate Declared:
14 January 2024
3 May 2024
3 Hamadi
Sid'El Moctar
Mohamed Abdi
Tewassoul Deputy for Kiffa
President of Tewassoul
2 May 2024
8 May 2024
4 Outouma
Independent Neurosurgeon Declared:
13 May 2024
13 May 2024
5 Mamadou
AJD/MR Deputy for Nouakchott
President of the AJD/MR
20 January 2024
14 May 2024
6 El Id
FRUD National list deputy
Deputy for Nouakchott
2 March 2024
15 May 2024
7 Biram
Sawab–RAG National list deputy
2014 and 2019 presidential candidate
24 April 2024
16 May 2024


  • Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, former General, President of Mauritania from 2008 until 2019.[18] He is currently serving a sentence of five years in jail,[19] with him being authorized by the judiciary to leave jail in order to present his candidacy file.[20][21] His candidacy was later rejected by the Constitutional Council, which considered it incomplete, despite Ould Abdel Aziz delivering his documentation. His political movement claimed the Constitutional Council "suffered a coup".[22]





Turnout by wilaya
Wilaya Turnout Abstention Registered
Voters % Absent %
Adrar 55,830
Assaba 169,176
Brakna 186,019
Dakhlet Nouadhibou 83,864
Gorgol 140,104
Guidimagha 94,025
Hodh Ech Chargui 204,195
Hodh El Gharbi 155,402
Inchiri 18,987
Nouakchott-Nord 139,874
Nouakchott-Ouest 160,067
Nouakchott-Sud 160,646
Tagant 56,170
Tiris Zemmour 32,431
Trarza 253,184
Diaspora 29,370
Total 1,939,344
Source: National Independent Election Commission[46]


Mohamed Cheikh GhazouaniEl Insaf
Mohamed Lemine El Mourteji El WaviIndependent
Hamadi Sid’El Moctar Mohamed AbdiNational Rally for Reform and Development
Outouma Antoine Souleimane SoumaréIndependent
Mamadou Bocar BaAlliance for Justice and Democracy/Movement for Renewal
El Id Mohameden M’BareckRepublican Front for Unity and Democracy
Biram Dah AbeidDemocratic Alternation Pole
Registered voters/turnout1,939,344


Results by wilaya
Wilaya Ghazouani El Wavi Sid'El Moctar Soumaré Ba Mohameden Abeid Neutral Null
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Dakhlet Nouadhibou
Hodh Ech Chargui
Hodh El Gharbi
Tiris Zemmour



  1. ^ "Mauritanian Presidential Election Set For June 29". www.barrons.com. 20 April 2024. Retrieved 21 April 2024.
  2. ^ "Mauritanie: l'élection présidentielle fixée au 29 juin". Le 360 Afrique (in French). 21 April 2024. Retrieved 21 April 2024.
  3. ^ a b "Mauritania president announces second term bid for June election". France 24. 25 April 2024. Retrieved 25 April 2024.
  4. ^ a b c "دستور الجمهورية الإسلامية الموريتانية" [Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania] (PDF). Parliament of Mauritania (in Arabic). Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 November 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2024.
  5. ^ "غزوني يوجه رسالة للشعب يعلن من خلالها الترشح لمأمورية ثانية" [Ghazouani sends a message to the people to announce his candidacy for a second term] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 24 April 2024. Retrieved 26 April 2024.
  6. ^ "ولد الغزواني يسلم ملف ترشحه للرئاسيات للمجلس الدستوري" [Ould Ghazouani deposits his candidacy for the presidential election with the Constitutional Council] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 26 April 2024. Retrieved 14 June 2024.
  7. ^ "محمد الامين المرتجي الوافي يعلن الترشح لرئاسيات 2024" [Mohamed Lemine El Mourteji El Wavi declares his candidacy for the presidential election] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 14 January 2024. Retrieved 14 June 2024.
  8. ^ "ولد الوافي يودع ملف ترشحه للرئاسيات لدى المجلس الدستوري" [Ould El Wafi deposits his candidacy for the presidential election with the Constitutional Council] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 3 May 2024. Retrieved 4 May 2024.
  9. ^ ""تواصل" يرشح رئيسه ويدعو مرشحي المعارضة للتنسيق ضد التزوير" [Tewassoul nominates its president and calls on opposition candidates to coordinate against fraud] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 2 May 2024. Retrieved 2 May 2024.
  10. ^ "رئيس حزب تواصل يودع ملف ترشحه للرئاسيات لدى المجلس الدستوري" [The president of Tewassoul deposits his candidacy for the presidential election with the Constitutional Council] (in Arabic). SaharaMedias. 8 May 2024. Retrieved 14 June 2024.
  11. ^ "سوماري يودع ملف ترشحه لرئاسيات 2024" [Soumaré deposits his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 13 May 2024. Retrieved 14 May 2024.
  12. ^ "AJD/MR : Ba Mamadou Bocar, nouveau président" [AJD/MR: Ba Mamadou Bocar, new president] (in French). Le Calame. 20 January 2024. Retrieved 21 June 2024.
  13. ^ "بامامادو بوكار يودع ملف ترشحه للمجلس الدستوري" [Ba Mamadou Bocar deposits his candidacy's file for the Constitutional Council] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 14 May 2024. Retrieved 16 May 2024.
  14. ^ "النائب العيد محمدن يعلن ترشحه للرئاسيات المقبلة" [Deputy El Id Ould Mohameden announces his candidacy for the upcoming presidential elections] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 2 March 2024. Retrieved 16 March 2024.
  15. ^ "العيد محمدن سادس مرشح يودع ملف ترشحه لدى المجلس الدستوري" [El Id Mohameden is the sixth candidate to file his candidacy with the Constitutional Council] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 15 May 2024. Retrieved 16 May 2024.
  16. ^ "بيرام يترشح لرئاسيات 2024 ويصف نفسه "بمرشح القطيعة"" [Biram runs for the 2024 presidential election and describes himself as the "candidate of rupture"] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 24 April 2024. Retrieved 26 April 2024.
  17. ^ "بيرام الداه اعبيد يودع ملف ترشحه ويدعو لمواجهة التزوير" [Biram Dah Abeid deposits his candidacy file and calls to face fraud] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 16 May 2024. Retrieved 16 May 2024.
  18. ^ "جبهة التغيير تعلن ترشيح عزيز لرئاسيات يونيو 2024" [The Front of Change announces Aziz's candidacy for the June 2024 presidential election] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 20 April 2024. Retrieved 26 April 2024.
  19. ^ "من سجين إلى مرشح رئاسي.. هل يعيد ولد عبد العزيز ما حدث بالسنغال؟" [From a prisoner to a presidential candidate... will Ould Abdel Aziz repeat what happened in Senegal?] (in Arabic). Al Arabiya. 22 April 2024. Retrieved 26 April 2024.
  20. ^ "القضاء يأذن لعزيز بالخروج من السجن لإيداع ملف ترشحه" [The judiciary authorizes Aziz to leave prison to file his candidacy] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 15 May 2024. Retrieved 16 May 2024.
  21. ^ "ولد محمد خونه: الرئيس السابق سلم ملفه والمجلس الدستوري تعرض لانقلاب" [Ould Mohamed Khouna: The former president handed over his file and the Constitutional Council suffered a coup] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 16 May 2024. Retrieved 16 May 2024.
  22. ^ "المجلس الدستوري ينهي اجتماعه وتوقع إعلان لائحة المترشحين الجمعة" [The Constitutional Council ends its meeting and signs the announcement of the list of candidates on Friday] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 16 May 2024. Retrieved 17 May 2024.
  23. ^ "القيادي المعارض أحمد ولد صمب يعلن ترشحه للرئاسيات المقبلة" [Opposition leader Ahmed Ould Samba announces his candidacy for the upcoming presidentials] (in Arabic). Madar. 29 April 2024. Retrieved 2 May 2024.
  24. ^ "Ahmed Samba Abdallahi annonce sa démission du parti APP" [Ahmed Samba Abdallahi announces his resignation from the APP party] (in French). CRIDEM. 1 May 2024. Retrieved 2 May 2024.
  25. ^ "الدكتور محمد الشيخ يعلن ترشحه لرئاسيات 2024 (فيديو)" [Dr. Mohamed Cheikh announces his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election (video)] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 10 March 2024. Retrieved 16 March 2024.
  26. ^ "موريتانيا: الناشط السياسي أحمد ولد هارون ولد الشيخ سيديا يعلن ترشحه للانتخابات الرئاسية" [Mauritania: Political activist Ahmed Ould Haroun Ould Cheikh Sidiya announces his candidacy for the presidential election] (in Arabic). Madar. 16 April 2024. Retrieved 2 May 2024.
  27. ^ "Hamidine Moctar KANE officialise sa candidature aux élections présidentielles de juin 2024" [Hamidine Moctar KANE formalizes his candidacy for the presidential elections of June 2024] (in French). CRIDEM. 22 February 2024. Retrieved 26 April 2024.
  28. ^ "ولد محمدو يترشح للرئاسة ويقدم قراءته لمسار حكامة البلاد" [Ould Mohamedou runs for president and presents his reading of the country's governance path] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 19 April 2024. Retrieved 26 April 2024.
  29. ^ "مُرشح للرئاسيات: هناك تعليمات صارمة بمنعي من الترشح للرئاسة" [Presidential candidate: There are strict instructions to prevent me from running for president] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 12 May 2024. Retrieved 14 May 2024.
  30. ^ "ولد بوعماتو: غزواني وحده القادر على تحقيق الإصلاحات الناجحة" [Ould Bouamatou: Only Ghazouani can realise successful reforms] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 18 April 2024. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  31. ^ "ولد داداه يعلن مساندة غزواني ويدعو للتعبئة لفوزه" [Ould Daddah announces his endorsement of Ghazouani and calls for mobilisation for his victory] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 3 May 2024. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  32. ^ "ولد منصور: نريد إعادة الجدية للسياسة ودعمنا لغزواني مختلف (فيديو)" [Ould Mansour: We want to bring politics back serious and our support for a different Ghazouani (video)] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 24 May 2024. Retrieved 3 June 2024.
  33. ^ "لهذه الأسباب وعلى بصيرة: قررت دعم ولد الغزواني لمأمورية ثانية" [For these reasons and insight: I decided to support Ould Ghazouani for a second mandate] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 27 April 2024. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  34. ^ "أحزاب الأغلبية تعلن دعمها لغزواني وجاهزيتها للحملة" [The parties of the majority announce their support for Ghazouani and their readiness for the campaign] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 26 April 2024. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  35. ^ "حزب الإصلاح يرشح غزواني 2024 ويجري تغييرات في هيئاته" [El Islah nominates Ghazouani for 2024 and makes changes in its bodies] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 31 December 2023. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  36. ^ "المجلس الوطني لـ"حاتم" يدعو للتعبة لترشيح غزواني لمأمورية ثانية" [HATEM's National Council calls for tiredness to nominate Ghazouani for a second mandate] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 7 January 2024. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  37. ^ "المجلس حزب التحالف الشعبي يقرر دعم غزواني في انتخابات الرئاسة" [People's Progressive Alliance decides to support Ghazouani in presidential election] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 14 June 2024. Retrieved 14 June 2024.
  38. ^ "جبهة "جمع": تدعو للالتفاف حول ولد الغزواني وضمان فوزه" [FCJ: Calls for rallying around Ould Ghazouani to ensure his victory] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 27 April 2024. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  39. ^ "رابطة البرلمانيين السابقين تدعو لانتخاب غزواني "لحماية المكتسبات"" [League of Former Members of Parliament calls for the election of Ghazouani to 'protect gains'] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 22 May 2024. Retrieved 3 June 2024.
  40. ^ ""تحالف العيش المشترك" يقرر دعم المرشح بيرام" [The Coalition Living Together decides to support the candidate Biram] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 1 May 2024. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  41. ^ "حزب "القوى التقدمية للتغيير" يدعم المرشح بيرام اعبيدي" [The Progressive Forces of Change party backs the candidate Biram Abeid] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 7 May 2024. Retrieved 9 May 2024.
  42. ^ "اتحاد قوى التقدم يقرر دعم المرشح العيد محمدن" [The Union of Forces for Progress decides to support the candidate El Id Ould Mohameden] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 27 April 2024. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  43. ^ "حزب التكتل يقرر دعم المترشح العيد ولد محمدن" [RFD decides to support the candidate El Id Ould Mohameden] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 29 May 2024. Retrieved 3 June 2024.
  44. ^ "أحمد ولد داداه يُقرر "طرد" بعض قيادات حزبه" [Ahmed Ould Dadah decides to 'expel' some of his party's leaders] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 29 May 2024. Retrieved 3 June 2024.
  45. ^ "حزب "حركة التحرير" يُعلن دعم المرشح الرئاسي أوتوما سوماري" [MED announces its support for the presidential candidate Outoma Soumaré] (in Arabic). Al Akhbar. 26 May 2024. Retrieved 3 June 2024.
  46. ^ a b "My CENI". myceni.org (in Arabic and French). National Independent Election Commission. Retrieved 3 June 2024.