Balanced Scorecard: What It Is and Why So Many Organizations Have One
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Balanced Scorecard: What It Is and Why So Many Organizations Have One
Recorded November 14, 2019 – Replay Available Below
Do you and your employees have a shared vision of the future? Have you defined success in clear and measurable terms? Will you recognize success when you see it? Do you help your employees systematically prioritize work according to strategy?
Join Chief Operating Officer, David Wilsey, on this webinar and learn how mastering the balanced scorecard methodology might be the secret to your organization’s success. Whether you are charged with improving performance in your organization, revising an existing balanced scorecard system, or implementing a new strategic planning and management system, this complimentary webinar will help you orient yourself with the latest thinking in strategic formulation and execution.
Provided by the Balanced Scorecard Institute, the global leader in helping organizations improve performance with a strategic balanced scorecard system, we can help your organization to:
- Communicate with clarity an organization’s vision, mission, and strategy to employees and other stakeholders
- Align day-to-day work to vision and strategy
- Provide a framework for prioritizing programs, projects, services, products and resources
- Use strategic performance measures and targets to measure progress
In this session, you will develop a basic level understanding of:
- How a balanced scorecard system works to improve organization performance
- Benefits of improved strategic planning and strategy execution using a Balanced Scorecard system
- Keys to successfully implementing and sustaining a Balanced Scorecard system
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