2000 Regency Parkway Suite 420

Cary, NC 27518

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1 (919) 460-8180

4 Ways Your KPIs Remind Me of Our New Puppy

4 Ways Your KPIs Remind Me of Our New Puppy

We welcomed a new puppy named Romeo to our home recently, having finally given in to the kids after about five years of pleading. While we are generally happy with the decision, late last night I stood outside in the rain watching the dog refuse to relieve himself and...
The “Formula” for KPI Success

The “Formula” for KPI Success

I was facilitating a client performance measure development session recently, and the team was wrestling with measure definition. When I reviewed the customer perspective team’s work I found: Measure Name: % of Customers Satisfied Description: % of Customers Satisfied...
A World Without Measures

A World Without Measures

Welcome to a miserably hot, sweltering day at Yankee Stadium with the temperature sitting at 95° F in the shade and 90% humidity.  It’s the bottom of the ninth and the Yankees are down by three runs. A collective sense of expectation can be felt throughout the stadium...
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